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Open House with Eva Ries

30. October 2024

In the winter semester 2024/25, an open house will take place on November 5 with music manager Eva Ries: “How to manage a legend - Wu-Tang Clan Insights”. In a talk with Michael Herberger, she shares her insights into the inner workings of the Wu-Tang Clan and the American music scene of the 90s. In New York City, she worked her way into the Clan's inner circle and was part of the biggest hip-hop band in the world for over two decades.

Eva Ries is a self-employed music manager, counselor and university lecturer in psychology. Previously, she worked for many years in marketing for large music companies, including the legendary hip-hop label Loud Records and later VP International Urban Music at Sony in New York, where she worked with hip-hop legend Nas.

In December 2023, she published her book entitled: Wu-Tang is forever: Inside the inner circle of the biggest band in the world.

The open house will take place in the Popakademie, room 001, from 6 pm.

Click here for the calendar entry.