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flüsterPOP. LIVE at SWR Podcast-Festival

12. January 2023

On Friday, January 13th 2023, as part of the SWR Podcast-Festival, the live event of the flüsterPOP. podcast will take place at the Popakademie. The guest will be the former CEO Hubert Wandjo, who will review his work of the last 20 years together with the students.

The event will take place in room 415. Admission from 7 pm, start at 8 pm.
Click here to register for free.

Started in 2020 as a free student podcast project, flüsterPOP. has since continued as the official podcast of the Popakademie. The podcast covers current topics at the Popakademie, provides background information about studying and living in Mannheim, gives insights into the music industry and presents exciting interviewees.

You can find "flüsterPOP. by Popakademie" on numerous streaming platforms, such as Spotify.