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Be yourself and love yourself and love each other!

24. June 2019

Article by Jule Kallmayer (FSJ Culture)

A statement, as LEOPOLD itself is. Accompanied by english texts in the context of sexuality and self-realization as well as a diva-like performance on HighHeels. Anyone who has ever experienced this live knows that the show shines with energy and uniqueness.

Inspired by artists like Beyoncé, Prince and David Bowie, LEOPOLD wants to build a bridge between the mainstream and the queer scene. The aim: to split gender roles, promote acceptance and awaken a general openness towards queering. "It should simply become normal. That's why I'm always in between with my look. Of course I put on 'visible' make-up, obviously, but it's still not like a drag queen. Simply because it has a completely different background".

Even as a child and teenager LEOPOLD thought about his own performances and followed his idols with great enthusiasm. This led to his application to study pop music design at the Popakademie, where he met his fellow musicians. The Popakademie and its students played a major role in his development as a musician and encouraged the self-confidence that was already there before that. He could do what he wanted to do and it was respected and accepted. This is how the music style GlamPop, with which LEOPOLD captivates its listeners, developed. GlamPop has influences from mainstream pop, but also from soul and RnB. Coupled with his look, outfits and stage show, he wants to take concert goers on a journey through different genres, held together by his voice.

A journey that began with the single "Symbols", has now arrived at the first EP, which was released on June 14th with the name "Body Language" (Lieblingslieder Records) and will continue for a long time to come. And who knows if the big dreams of European and world tours, the ESC and the Coachella stage will not come true soon.

Until then LEOPOLD will be on stage at many gigs, open-airs and CSD gigs!

Would you like to accompany LEOPOLD on its journey?