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© Marc Wilhelm

Popakademie initiates lifebuoy for students

15. April 2021

The Popakademie Baden-Württemberg, together with the friends of pop e.V., Mannheim, initiates a lifebuoy for students.

"The effects of the Corona pandemic have particularly affected students from the musical and creative industries. In addition to the possibility of artistic creation, there is also a lack of income from secondary earnings. For these reasons, together with our circle of friends, we are initiating emergency aid for students who have experienced financial hardship as a result of the crisis. We are happy to support our students, especially during this time," explain Prof. Udo Dahmen and Prof. Hubert Wandjo, both managing directors of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg.

Donations for support are gladly accepted by the friends of pop e.V. support association:

Recipient: friends of pop e.V.
Name of bank: LBBW Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
IBAN: DE73 6005 0101 7403 0024 64

The association will send you a donation receipt if the amount exceeds 300 euros and your name and address are stated in the reason for payment. Up to 300 euros, the bank account statement is sufficient for tax deductibility.

The association friends of pop e.V. supports the social projects of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg and is happy to welcome new members. If you are interested, please send an email to info@friends-of-pop.de.