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David Stammer and Amke Block © CAPADOL

Future Music Camp 2023 - Creative A.I. in the Music Business

08. March 2023

On May 25th and 26th 2023, the Future Music Camp of the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg will take place in Mannheim. Experts from the digital music and media industry will speak on the topic of "Creative Artificial Intelligence in the Music Business. Additional speakers can now apply for sessions.

The Future Music Camp 2023 (FMC) will focus on the impact of creative artificial intelligence on the marketing of music. The focus will be on the following questions: How far is creative A.I. in the creation of music and how does this influence artists, labels, publishers and agencies in the music industry? What other components of creative output such as artwork, music videos and lyrics can already be used in music marketing? Where can A.I. usefully facilitate the work of artists, management and labels? At the same time, FMC23 wants to shed light on the ethical and legal dimensions of the topic and find out whether technology has the potential to replace human creativity. Other focal points will be the fans' perspective and payment models: How does Generation Z react to A.I.-generated music and increasingly algorithmically influenced media consumption, and how could or should music creators' compensation change in this regard?

In addition to top-class keynote speakers, there will again be sessions held by participants. Whether it's a discussion round, brainstorming session or workshop - the format will be determined by the participants themselves. Proposals can be submitted until April 17, 2023. All information about the sessions, examples from previous years, submission of proposals online at: www.futuremusiccamp.de/sessions.

The Future Music Camp started in 2009 as the first barcamp for the music industry and has established itself as a modern conference format for executives and young professionals from the music and creative industries. With the Future Music Camp, the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg networks experts from the field with students from relevant disciplines such as music, media, culture and creative industries. David Stammer, Project Manager Digital Innovation, is responsible for the Future Music Camp.

Participation in the Future Music Camp is free of charge, places are limited.
The event will take place in Mannheim.

Registration is now open at:

Details on the program and schedule can be found from the beginning of April at: